in data de 24-25 octombrie 

orele 18-21

intrarea 50 ron

Profesorul Andre Riehl

Obiectivul este introducerea in unele tehnici yoghine de vindecare ce au la baza, ca punct de plecare procesul de Relaxare Ghidata, .

Dar NidraYoga este altceva, este mai mult decat Realaxare, este o forma speciala, accesibila si simpla de patrundere in adancul fiintarii, de regasire gradata.

Momentul pe care profesorul Andre Riehl ni-l propune este unul in care

3 ore vom experimenta practic universul acesta ce provine din stiinta straveche cunoscuta ca Shiwaismul din Kahmir.

Descoperiti cele 3 nivele de profunzime – cele 3 stari de spirit accesibile prin relaxare

1,5 ore : Nidra si apoi Introducerea in utilizarea luminii in vindecarea organelor

1,5 ore : introducerea vibratiilor sonore in vindecarea organelor prin intermediul intonatiilor mantrice din Mandtra Sadhana specifica in Traditia esoterica din Shiwaismul din Kashmir

Dar cine este Yogi Andre ji (Andre Riehl – Franta) ?

La un moment dat, fiecare dintre noi si-a pus sau isi va pune intrebarea asupra sensului vietii sale.

Este viata noastra doar o activitate pragmatica?

Sau exista o ratiune evidenta, o dimensiune dincolo de materialismul concret, o miscare universala care poate fi numita spiritualitate.

Aceste intrebari fundamentale sunt esenta unor intalniri pe care dansul le a inceput de cativa ani in Romania.

De obicei ele includ o prelegere urmata de un dialog cu audienta.

in cazul evenimentului nostru aceasta discutie va putea fi purtata de cei ce doresc doar dupa realizarea experimentarii practice si continuand intalnirea la un ceai la una din terasele din apropiere.

Incepand din copilarie, Andre Riehl, a dedicat mai mult de 50 de ani acestei cautari. Ca un cautator neobosit, a studiat si a calatorit la manastirile de la Muntele Athos, cu sufi tarikas din Afganistan si Maroc, stiinta Kabalistica din Israel, manastirile Buddhiste din Nepal, centrele de studii Zen si Ashramurile din India, dar de asemenea mai recent dintre scolile moderne de microbiologie si studii antropofizice.

André Riehl  studies Yoga since 1972.

He first stayed in a monastery in the Himalayas, before wandering along the roads of India, meeting many traditional masters with whom he sometimes stayed, studying very specific teachings from classical as well as tantric yoga practices. After some searching years, meeting Kashmiri Babu, a wandering ascetic from the Shaïva tradition,  he undergone a deep study retreat into the spiritual quest.

Also very touched by his meetings with J.Krishnamurti and Sri Ananda Mayee Ma, he studied two other important aspects of the inner path, related to these two great instructors: discrimination and relationship.

It is the final encounter with Chandra Swami, an ascetic from the Brahmanic lineage of the Udasins, which will give a full sense to all the teachings studied before.

Back to France, he studied several years  the art of teaching Yoga through the points of view of four different schools: Swami Shivananda, Lucien Ferrer (Yoga of Energy), Nil Haoutoff and Sri T.K.V. Desikachar before becoming himself a teacher.

  • Author of « Le Prince des Forêts », a French adaptation of the Râmayâna, of two video cassettes on Yoga Traditionnel and two CD’s of Sanskrit chantings « Mantra Sadhana » and « Vâkya », he also translated 8 books on the inner quest.
  • Nominated President of the french Fédération des Yoga Traditionnels in 1992, he opened seven Yoga Training Schools (Toulouse, Paris, Bretagne, Bourgogne, Le Mans, Suisse and Luxemburg).

He is currently in charge of Somapa, a yoga study centre in south of France, Prana Bindu, a yoga retreat centre for long time study sessions in Ujjain – Madhya Pradesh (central India), and 4 nidrâ yoga training schools in LuxemburgGermany, Holland, Finland, Morocco, Switzerland and France .

Near to those activities, he participates in the creation of two important international alternative fairs in Paris, Vivre et Travailler Autrement (Fair of Social Alternatives and Solidarities), and Santé Autrement (Fair of Natural Medical Practices and Traditional Healings) as the “Quality Manager” for  ten years.

Having written many articles for yoga magazines, invited to radio and television programs, as well as national and international cultural meetings.

Willing to participate in the transmission of the ancestral yogic tradition, he teaches authentic yoga practices where old classic knowledge meets contemporary human discoveries, through a whole system of classes, seminars, training programs, retreats and studying trips in traditional places of India.

In this direction, the teachings are a vast complex of different practices helping to build a holistic mind including all aspects of our life and our identity: bodywork and energetical dynamism, development of conscious and natural breathings, study of the different relaxation levels and dream consciousness, intuition awakening and development of concentration degrees, mastered widening of the senses, Sanskrit chanting and inner silences, study of traditional yoga scriptures.

For the last 15 years, André has been spreading the teaching across Europe, Middle East, South America, North Africa and Far East

Currently in charge of 2 international Yoga Retreats Prana Bindu in Ujjain (India) and Somapa in Avignon (France), he his leading retreats in several countries and teaching programs for several institutions and Universities